Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system may need replacing due to old age, expensive parts that frequently need replacing, breakdowns, and high energy bills.

Knowing when to replace your HVAC system does not always require the help of a technician.
In some cases, you can determine this yourself.
The things to look out for are is, how old is your system, the expense of the parts being replaced frequently, and is your energy bill is too high.
Early Signs You Need Your HVAC Replaced
Replacing your home’s entire system can be expensive.
Knowing the early warning signs that your system needs replacing will help you decide if it is time to get in touch with an HVAC technician or ride your old system for a bit longer.
The Department of Energy recommends replacement after ten years of use.
Frequent Repair Costs
As all pieces of machinery eventually need replacing it is no big deal if the fan, furnace, or other parts of the HVAC unit needs replacing.
When the unit is frequently breaking down and it becomes a situation of “there is always something wrong with my heating or cooling system” is when you need to be concerned.
Energy Efficiency
When looking at your energy bill for the quarter or month you can spot easily when there are spikes in the bill.
Have these spikes occurred when you have been running your HVAC system frequently?
Compare the bill month on month with last year.
You will need to calculate how much your energy has gone up in the past year for a fair comparison.
Assessing How Old Your Unit Is?
Nothing last forever, this includes your HVAC system.
If you look at the outside cabinet of the system there should be a metal tag.
This will contain the specs of your system and also the manufactured date of the unit.
Furnaces and boilers generally don’t last for longer than 15 years.
Heat pumps and air conditioners don’t last for more than 10 years.
If your air quality is poor, meaning when you turn on the heater or cooler and the air coming out is not hot or cold as required.
This is an indication you have more than one thing wrong with your HVAC system and it may be old and needs to be completely replaced.
Noisy Systems Is It Time To Replace?
Modern heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems are a lot quieter than old units.
If you hear loud banging, clanging, or vibrations there is probably a mechanical part that needs replacing or fixing.
If you are close to the ducts and have to raise your voice so the other person can hear it is a good indication that the wrong duct system has been installed.
The Most Expensive Parts To Replace
The heat exchanger is the most expensive part to replace on your boiler.
The compressor on your cooling unit is the most expensive part to replace on your AC.
If these components are frequently breaking down it may be time to have your system replaced.
Fixing Vs Replacing
It is normal to have a shot at fixing the system before you replace it.
New systems are expensive and it is a process to have one installed.
The main concern for most people when it comes to fixing or replacing the unit is money.
How much will a new unit cost?
The Calculation Professionals Use For Replacing HVAC Systems
There is a simple formula HVAC companies and technicians apply when assessing whether to fix or replace the unit.
Calculate the cost of the repair by the age of your HVAC system. If the amount is equal to more than $5000.00 it is usually time to replace the system.
So if your unit is 7 years old and the repair costs $1,000.00 which equals $7,000 it is time to replace your system.
If In Doubt Get An Assessment
Most HVAC companies nowadays can provide a residential energy audit.
In these audits, they will usually include tips like weather stripping around doors and provide recommendations for attic insulation.
Whilst also providing an inner glimpse at your household energy consumption which will include your HVAC systems consumption.
Looking at the energy consumption of your HVAC unit will give you insight into whether it needs replacing or not.