Air Today Is Involved With The
Community – Charlotte, NC, and
Surrounding Areas

We are proud to sponsor the Carolina Pyrenees Rescue organization.
Carolina Great Pyrenees Rescue is a non-profit based out of the Charlotte, NC metro area that works to rescue and rehome abandoned and abused Pyrs in North and South Carolina. We were established in 1992 in Winston-Salem, NC by Martha Rehmeyer, and we moved to our current location in 2016 when Martha retired. Our volunteer-based organization advocates for the breed and educates others about the proper care of these “gentle giants.” We also serve as a resource for Pyr owners throughout the region whether or not they adopted through CGPR. We sponsor social events and maintain an on-line presence that enables Pyr people to meet and communicate with one another because we believe that celebrating the wonderful dogs who share our homes is an important part of rescue.

October 2022 we served as sponsors for the Annual Pyrenic Homecoming!
For nearly twenty years, CGPR has hosted a homecoming picnic, or Pyrnic! All Pyrs and their families are invited to celebrate another year of saving lives and to raise funds to keep doing it. We welcome home all alumni adopted from CGPR, and we extend an invitation to all Pyrs not adopted from us, too. Those thinking about adopting and wanting to learn about the breed are also invited. In short, all social dogs and friendly humans are welcome! Air Today helped with setup, with parking, and gave out some goodies to all in attendance. Here are some awesome pics from the event.